Stop medicalising children, online conference
Why do so many children want to change ‘gender’ and denounce the sex of their bodies? There have been 1000’s of % surges worldwide of children who consider themselves trans.
What is the cause? How many of them will detransition? Why is the trans path so attractive to youngsters on the autistic spectrum?
Four important experts have been invited:
- Journalist Abigail Shrier (USA) author of the book ‘The Transgender Craze seducing our daughters’.
- Academic Professor Michele Moore, Co-Editor with Heather Brunskell-Evans of two books – ‘Transgender Children and Young People: Born in Your Own Body’ and ‘Inventing Transgender Children and Young People’ and
- Autism-expert Martine Delfos, author of the book: ’The beauty of the difference. When men and women are different and the same’.
- Our fourth guest detransitioner Emelie, has experienced detransition – she went from woman to ‘man’ to woman again. She will tell her story and share her concerns. She is co-author of the chapter ‘Our Voices Our Selves: Amplifying the Voices of Detransitioned Women’ in the book ‘Inventing Transgender Children and Young People’.
This second conference of the Dutch Voorzij Foundation will explore the extremely worrying, new femomenon of young children made infertile by puberty blockers and teenage girls with their breasts amputated because they want to look as boys. The conference is in English. After the conference there will be chatrooms in Dutch and English and possibly in Spanish or Portugese (dependant on the whishes of the attendees).
Our panel will answer your questions
The experts wil shine new light on the situation. Does transing bring selfacceptance? Does it bring hope or is it a hype? There is a Q&A after the speakers. We can translate Dutch questions into English.
Meeting others
The last half hour of the conference will be spent in sub-groups where you can share experiences with others. There will be subgroups in Dutch and English and possibly in Spanish or Portugese (dependent on the wishes of the attendees).
Please order your ticket – €10.
Please consider donating extra for a Dutch language brochure for parents.
GB: 19.00 hrs – 21.00 hrs
NL: 20.00 hrs – 22.00 hrs
For other countries: use the worldclock and enter 20.00 hrs Nederlandse/ Dutch time and find out at what time you can join.
The conference will be on Zoom. You will receive the link an hour before the conference starts. Make sure you install the Zoom software before that.