A detransitioner shares her Voice of experience

To understand our perspective as young women who have been through, and pulled back from, identifying as transgender, it’s important to know a bit about what we have been through. This is what I will talk about in the conference Stop Medicalising Children on oktober 27th.. 

I am going to tell my story of growing up as a non-conforming girl in communities that pushed restrictive gender roles when we hit puberty.

I went through a rapid process of transitioning, started testosterone, had a double mastectomy and then later detransitioned all by the age of 23.

Changing our minds
The importance of children and young people changing our minds about transitioning is at the centre of international attention now with the Judicial Review of Keira Bell’s experience in the UK. 

Not easy
The journey through transitioning to detransitioning and desisting is not easy. I would rather not have been through it, but hope that sharing my experience may shed some light on what goes on in the minds of those going down similar paths.

Affirmation does not work
I believe the affirmative approach I experienced sets children and young people up for a future of distress and confusion, instead of helping them accept and understand themselves better.

Emelie @FtMdetransed

C-Author of Our Voices Our Selves – amplifying the voices of detransitioned women with twitter.com/radfemjourney in Inventing Transgender Children and Young People Edited by Michele Moore and Heather Brunskell-Evans 2019, CambridgeScholars Publishing 

You can hear Emelie speak at our conference Stop on the 27th of oktober 20.00 CET.

Buy your ticket here: